Building Nightfall

Reflecting On The Life Of Mr … Nightfall’s Chief Entertainer Was Buried August 2018, At The Ripe-Old Age Of Almost 16. If you’ve visited nightfall you’ll be hard-pressed to forget Mr, our resident Jack Russell with his insatiable talent for finding the soft-spot in your...

"Take me to a quiet place with earth under our backs, cradled in a forest glade.  There we will point out things we see and acknowledge those things we do not.   In solitude we take in the wisdom offered in each other and take in...

    What an honour it was for Nightfall to be named the Silver winner for New Tourism Development at last Friday night's Queensland Tourism Awards. The award is a benchmark for industry excellence - an accolade we're very proud of,  especially when we still only consider ourselves in 'guinea-pig'...

  Did you know Nightfall does gift vouchers?  They've been going like hotcakes for the last few weeks. Presented as a square card, they're impressive to receive in the mail. Try our wilderness immersion experience, our wildly romantic retreat or just a night away.  All vouchers are valid...

There's nothing like death to remind us of our impermanence.   And so it is that a cloud hangs over Nightfall and our close-knit Lamington community, with the sudden passing of our dear friend and neighbour, Graham. Our thoughts are with his partner Nell and their...

She's got big dark eyes, thick lashes, long muscular legs and hilariously oversized feet. As a petite example of Australian wildlife, she's also a breath of fresh air in the intense moments building Queensland's newest luxury camping experience. Welcome 'Lilly Pilly' (named after the trees so...

'Pick me, pick me!' There's a child in all of us and, yes, we're guilty of indulging in a little horsing-around, while building Nightfall's luxury tent accommodation on the banks of Christmas Creek beside Lamington National Park. This week  laughter was intercepted with squeals,  as...

(image: Etienne, Kirsty, Steve and 'Mr' in the creek rapids at Nightfall  - quite the place for workers to spend summer lunchtimes) The weather gods are smiling on Nightfall.  As the days fly by we're making great headway, completing the last critical jobs before the coming...

Overcome the challenges.  Repeat.  ad infinitum.  Yes,  the building process certainly teaches patience,  both on our part and that of the wonderful guests,  waiting for the opening of Nightfall's  Gold Coast Hinterland luxury camping experience.  It's great to hear you're excited because we are too! We've...

(image: relaxing in Nightfall's private section of Christmas Creek - these sun-filled days of swimming are almost back) Main tent footings poured, tick; water pipes laid into trenches, tick; lower trench filled, tick; insulation into the roof of guest tent one, tick; trees trimmed over solar...

(image - road-testing Nightfall's proto-type 'swag' bed, under the stars, beside our main campfire) In the quest to craft the ultimate authentic Australian wilderness accommodation experience,  it's hard to go past the simple pleasure of sleeping outside,  with nothing between you and the spectacular star-filled night...

"To poke a wood fire is more solid enjoyment than almost anything else in the world" U.S novelist Charles Dudley Warner Nights under star-filled skies, roaring camp fires, beautiful wines and the distinctive flavours of flame-grilled and slow-cooked camp-oven food … ah, the simple pleasures, which...

(image - the first rough draft of Nightfall's hand-drawn guest map) The  overwhelming desire to capture a moment of magical light on a landscape is something most people are familiar with.  There are many days I've wished I had the skills to translate, with water-colours onto...

I spy with my little eye something beginning with T …  it's Treasure from nature, perfect for building our unique Queensland Accommodation. Yes, with each significant creek flood at Nightfall wilderness camp comes a trove of flotsam and jetsam - jewels in all shapes and form,...

Rain runs off the roof of a Nightfall luxury tent Time flies when you're busy. It's been two weeks since our last diary entry and, despite lots of rain days, we're making slow but steady progress building Nightfall's new luxury tent accommodation on the edge...

As I began to write this diary update late yesterday, we rejoiced in a short-lived moment of sunshine. The cliff face in front of Nightfall's new staff tent glowed strikingly gold in the dusk light, the mist swirled around its rugged rocky face and the...

There's nothing quite so good as recovering one's mojo - and today it happened for Nightfall's construction team.  After 50 rain days in a row,  this morning under magnificent blue skies, out came the mower, the welder and the sewing machine. Together in the sunshine,...

  Wow!  Nightfall wilderness camp is surrounded by waterfalls,  cascading down from Lamington National Park. As I stand looking out of our partly built  'staff tent',  the cliff-face opposite is steeped in swirling mists.  Torrents of white water  dramatically gush down the exposed rugged escarpment.  The thick...

Image: Nightfall's 'beach' - soon to have a day bed for relaxing by the creek, as you would at the coast, but without the crowds.  'The beach' is also a lovely spot for a romantic candlelit dinner The weeks are flying by and piece by...

For a while now we've dreamed of establishing a luxury tented camp on our magical property beside Lamington National park.   The years  it's taken to achieve all the necessary development approvals have perhaps been a blessing -  we've had plenty of time to fine-tune our...