Swimming holes & natural spas

As part of your stay with us ~ you can choose to be lovingly pampered. Belinda Barry from Native Indulgence is a blessing to have as part of our team here at Nightfall. An experienced and qualified therapist. Belinda's skills include massage, clinical aromatherapy, reconnective healing, and...

Reflecting On The Life Of Mr … Nightfall’s Chief Entertainer Was Buried August 2018, At The Ripe-Old Age Of Almost 16. If you’ve visited nightfall you’ll be hard-pressed to forget Mr, our resident Jack Russell with his insatiable talent for finding the soft-spot in your...

There's nothing nicer than taking the afternoon off for adventure and many of our first guests have commented about the special feel of Nightfall's Platypus Pond,  not far from the camp's main lounge and swimming hole....

I spy with my little eye something beginning with T …  it's Treasure from nature, perfect for building our unique Queensland Accommodation. Yes, with each significant creek flood at Nightfall wilderness camp comes a trove of flotsam and jetsam - jewels in all shapes and form,...