(image – the first rough draft of Nightfall’s hand-drawn guest map)
The overwhelming desire to capture a moment of magical light on a landscape is something most people are familiar with. There are many days I’ve wished I had the skills to translate, with water-colours onto paper, the delicate hues of Nightfall wilderness camp‘s Lost World wilderness. This week I’ve had a little taste, by proxy, thanks to one of our artistic guests.
Christine Urquhart is a theatre designer who, with her husband Rhys, came to Nightfall as volunteer workers. Fortunately for us, Christine had a four-week break in her schedule as Production Designer for Zen Zen Zo‘s upcoming depiction of the Greek tragedy Medea.
This week Christine set about creating a ‘mud-map’ to help guests find their way around Nightfall. She worked to capture the rich palate of blues and greens which dominate Nightfall‘s forests and the Lost World, as well as the special hideaways on our immediate frontage to Christmas Creek. Jokes about maps in the mud aside – yes, it continues to rain almost every day – we love the result. We’re also inspired to keep a set of water-colours in Nightfall‘s main lounge, allowing guests who’re overcome with artistic desires to capture their Queensland wilderness experience in a uniquely personal way.
(image – landscapes and water-colours inspire artistry; hand-made for Nightfall’ organic food garden; a contented, muddy echidna)
While Christine has spent time painting, Rhys has unleashed a loving passion for ecological restoration. Almost single-handedly he’s carefully marked young trees which are naturally regenerating in Nightfall wilderness camp‘s gallery rainforest and culled the weeds which hinder their growth. Aside from us, his greatest fans are Nightfall‘s echidnas. They’re loving getting muddy, rooting around for critters in the newly disturbed soil.
(image – Rhys Williams and Christine Urquhart work in Nightfall’s rainforest regeneration area)
The time has now come from Christine to return to the theatre, so today we farewelled the couple as they return to Brisbane. We also say goodbye to German volunteer ‘Wwoofer’ workers Julian and Kai – they’re off to become ‘Outback Packers’ … first with a course in working on a farm and then, hopefully heading into the ‘real’ Australia, to immerse in life on an Outback cattle station.
(image – a break from volunteering at Nightfall: Julian, Kai, Rhys and Christine, wearing the obligatory construction ‘mud boots’)