04 Nov Sustainability
Sustainability is a committed journey. It has always been our mission and drives to inspire change by being an example, yet still mindfully watching our every decision to ensure our eco-tourism has our planet at the forefront.
Ecotourism models experiential ways to inform and educate the importance of organic and chemical-free lifestyles, especially in locations adjacent to fragile eco-systems like Lamington National Park. With transparency, we can share, where we are with our efforts (as listed below) and areas we are working on improving such as weed control, increasing natural habitats and increasing solar input.
Our efforts currently include:
- Converted kerosene lanterns to led solar (as pictured)
- 5KW onsite solar-grid connected
- Low flow water
- Organic food
- Food waste composted on-site
- Locally sourced food (Scenic Rim Accredited Locavore)
- Homegrown food
- French linen sheets and pillow slips (Moss Living)
- Organic cotton & Bio-dynamic Australian wool bedding (Blessed Earth)
- Natural, organic body products; Nightfall Nourished
- Chemical-free cleaning fibres (Enjo)
- Chemical-free cleaning using alternatives; bi-carb, vinegar, eucalyptus oil
- Chemical-free weed control
- Re-plant indigenous species on site
- Scenic Rim tree grants “for habitat regeneration”
- Recycled toilet tissue and paper towel (Who gives a crap)
- Reduce, reuse, and recycle all materials.
- Minimal single-use plastics (Seed & Sprout)
- Memberships:
- Land for Wildlife
- Land Care Lamington
- Wild Mountains Earth Education Centre and Business 4 Climate Action